A long time ago when I was six, my family went to Israel. My parents have both always loved Israel and the Jewish people. This picture is really special to me because even though we both aren't dressed up and looking our best in that sense, you can see how close we were. Also, since my mom died there's obviously no way to get a picture together with her, so I can look back and think that my mom was with me then.
We aren't dressed up in fancy attire or pretending to be who we are not; we're just dressed casually and maybe even look a little goofy, but then you'll just find a loving family who likes to take things easy.
In the background is Jesus's tomb which is really significant too; he is our savior and he now has my mother's soul. Most people would find this pretty amazing even if they didn't believe in Jesus, and if you do then it's even more special.
Time flies by so quickly and special moments like this - that you might not be able to see a person again or be in the same place - capture these moments and freeze them so that you can always keep them and remember that there was a time when there was this special moment and you can keep it forever.